Basic Vim Commands

Vim has two modes:

1. Insert mode (Where you can just type like normal text editor. Press i for insert mode)

2. Command mode (Where you give commands to the editor to get things done . Press ESC for command mode):

x – to delete the unwanted character

u – to undo the last the command and U to undo the whole line

CTRL-R to redo

A – to append text at the end

:wq – to save and exit

:q! – to trash all changes

dw – move the cursor to the beginning of the word to delete that word

2w – to move the cursor two words forward

3e – to move the cursor to the end of the third word forward

0 (zero) to move to the start of the line

d2w – which deletes 2 words .. number can be changed for deleting the number of consecutive words like d3w

dd  – to delete the line

2dd – to delete to line number. Can be changed for deleting the number of consecutive words

p – puts the previously deleted text after the cursor(Type dd to delete the line and store it in a Vim register. and p to put the line)

r – to replace the letter e.g press re to replace the letter with e

ce – to change until the end of a word (place the cursor on the u in lubw it will delete ubw)

ce – deletes the word and places you in Insert mode

G – to move you to the bottom of the file

gg – to move you to the start of the file. Type the number of the line you were on and then G

% – to find a matching ), ], or }

:s/old/new/g to substitute ‘new’ for ‘old’ where g is globally

/ backward search n to find the next occurrence and N to search in opposite direction

? forward search

:! to run the shell commands like :!dir, :!ls

:w – TEST (where TEST is the filename you chose.) . Save the file

v – starts visual mode for selecting the lines and you can perform operation on that like d delete

:r – Filename will insert the content into the current file

R – to replace more than one character

y – operator to copy text using v visual mode and p to paste it

yw – (copy)yanks one word

o – opens a line below the cursor and start Insert mode

O – opens a line above the cursor

a – inserts text after the cursor

A – inserts text after the end of the line

e – command moves to the end of a word

y – operator yanks (copies) text, p puts (pastes) it

R – enters Replace mode until <ESC> is pressed

ctrl-w – to jump from one window to another

Basic IRC Commands

/HELP – shows general help or help on the given command.
/LIST – lists all current channels.
/JOIN – to join a channel
/PART – to leave a channel (same as LEAVE)
/QUIT – exits your IRC session, (same as BYE and EXIT)
/NICK – changes your nickname
/AWAY – leaves a message saying you’re away or not paying attention
/WHOIS – displays information about someone
/INVITE – ends an invitation to another user
/KICK – gets rid of someone on a channel
/TOPIC – changes the topic of the channel
/ME – sends anything about you to a channel or QUERY

IRC freenode Registration

Within IRC console, type command – “/msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email-address>”

Confirm account registration using command sent in email within IRC console. Typically formatted as – “/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER <username> <variable>

Authenticate username within IRC console – “/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>”

Initiate SSLv3/TLS Connections with Nmap Script

Locate Nmap scripts folder (location varies by platform – “find / -name ‘*.nse'”

Confirm “ssl-enum-ciphers” exists in folder. Download from Nmap if required –

Invoke Nmap and run command – “nmap -p 80,443 -T4 –script ssl-enum-ciphers <hostname>.