Basic Git Commands

1. Configure username and email:
git config --global "git config –global

2. Create a new local repository:
git init

3. Check-out a repository:
git clone /path/to/repository (local server)
git clone username@host:/path/to/repository (remote server)

4. Add file(s) to staging:
git add
git add *

5. Commit changes:
git commit -m "Commit message"

Setting up XAMPP for Personal XSS Labs

XAMPP (Cross-platform, Apache + MariaDB + PHP + Perl).

1. Download XAMPP from link below:

XAMPP link

2. Follow the XAMPP setup wizard.

3. Leave default XAMPP components enabled (Server, Program Languages, etc.).

4. Select installation folder location.

5. Run XAMPP Control Panel.

6. Enable Apache and MySQL modules by selecting the Start action buttons.

7. Open browser and navigate to localhost or to display XAMPP. This will verify XAMPP is running successfully.

Fix the Linux Login Loop

1. While on the login screen:
Press Ctrl + Alt + F1
or Ctrl + Alt + F2 (Virtual instance)

2. Login to the shell prompt with username and password

3. Type the following commands:
dpkg --configure -a (fix any corrupted packages)
sudo apt-get update (update package repository)
sudo apt-get upgrade (upgrade the package repository)
sudo reboot (reboot the system)

Adding a new user in Kali Linux

Open a terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T or clicking on the icon – logged in as root

From the console issue the add user command with “-m” to create user home directory – #useradd -m

Create a password for the user – #passwd

Add user to sudo group – #usermod -a -G sudo

Change default shell of user to bash – #chsh -s /bin/bash